Couple Decides To Make A Change and 18 Months Later, Their Lives Look Completely Different

We get to hear and read inspirational stories all the time. Mostly, they are about people who we can’t relate to, such as politicians or businessmen or saintlike figures. But there are times when people from around us earn a place in the spotlight, all thanks to the amazing journey they’ve lived in the past few years. That is exactly what earned Lexi and Danny Reed around a million followers on Instagram, cumulatively. Just by employing a healthy diet and a consistent workout regime, both of them have lost over 410lbs combined. Their story has been shared numerous times for their amazing transformation. Let’s take a look at their amazing journey.

The Usual Pattern

Lexi Reed had always been confident about the way she looked and never let it impact her happiness or well-being. But there were moments when she felt like she had gained more weight than necessary. Those moments prompted her to alter her dietary habits for a short period of time. However, she always retracted from her intervention to the same patterns of consumption she had been following before; therefore gaining back whatever she had lost.

The Birth of an Inviolable Bond

For Danny Reed, it was the person that Lexi was that won his heart. And for Lexi, Danny was a pure soul who looked beyond her exterior and saw the amazing person she was. This gave birth to a friendship capable of passing the test of time. Of course, they had a lot of things in common—including their diet plan and love for TV shows—which complemented their relationship and helped it grow into an unbreakable bond which they cherish to this day.

When She Was Young

Usually, people start consuming unhealthy foods as a coping mechanism to deal with stress or other exogenous factors. But in Lexi’s case, it was a normal thing. Growing up, her parents did not mind feeding her processed food as they did not prefer to make home-cooked meals. Hence, she did not mind eating processed foods well into adulthood as well. Combined with binge-watching TV with Danny, this had a negative impact on her overall health. 

No Changes Required

Since television took up a lot of their time, combined with the fact that Lexi was also working 10 hours every day for the most part of the week, Danny and Lexi didn’t indulge in a lot of outdoorsy activities. Activities like biking, hiking, or simply going on a road trip sounded great but faltered in front of a good TV show and the comfort of the home couch. But make no mistake: they were perfectly happy and content with their lifestyle!

Popping the Question

Danny and Lexi had begun dating sometime in 2007. And after years of dating, it seemed like the right time for Danny to pop the question. He did it in the most romantic way possible. Danny took Lexi to the beach. And as they were strolling up and down the coast, he got down on one knee and presented her with an engagement ring. Of course, this brought tears to Lexi’s eyes, as her love for Danny was moving forward to the next stage. 

Wedding Bells

Lexi found a beautiful white wedding gown and a veil for her big day, while Danny wore a suit that made him look like a pure gentleman. After saying their vows, promising to love each other for as long as they both shall live, they became husband and wife. This fully officiated their commitment to each other and the beautiful relationship they share. Now it was time to look towards the future.

Looking Ahead

Lexi looked absolutely radiant and extremely happy on her wedding day, as she celebrated her big day with family and friends. This was something she had always wanted, and now it was time to look ahead. Naturally, she thought of motherhood as the next logical step in her relationship with Danny, as she wanted to have children and knew he wanted the same. She also thought of all the amazing adventures they were going to have as a married couple, and it rejuvenated her spirit and inspired a positive outlook in the years to come.  

Growing Concerns

They were content with life, but the future had started to worry Lexi because of the extra pounds she had put on over the years. She figured it may not only cause problems during her pregnancy but also possibly shorten the time she could spend with her family. And that was not the only concern she had. She also grew concerned about the ongoing unhealthy dietary habits both Danny and herself seemed to have had adopted as part of their collective lifestyle and became adamant that it was time for a change.   

Time for a Change

The year 2016 brought with it a new opportunity to change everything about their lifestyle, and Lexi was not willing to let this opportunity go. She, along with Danny, formulated a New Year’s Resolution at the start of the year and decided, once and for all, to make this year the year they completely transform into the best version of their own selves. Both of them signed up for a gym membership and started going on a regular basis, five days a week. 

Changing Perspectives

We understand why Danny and Lexi had subscribed to the kind of lifestyle they were living. What’s not to like about it: you get the food of your preference with your favorite show, in the comfort of your own home. Isn’t that the kind of lifestyle we all aspire to have after a long and tiring day at work? However, both of them had started to resent the continuous cycle they had entered and agreed to make significant changes to their lifestyle, mainly by substituting TV time with a good workout schedule.

Challenge Accepted

Danny and Lexi are not among those who shy away from a good challenge, they face them head-on. After they had made their resolution and started to implement it, a friend of theirs challenged them to abstain from high-calorie foods for an entire month. And of course, they accepted the challenge without a second thought. This time they were not joking around, as some might have assumed. It was a war which needed to be won!

The Motivation for a Better Future

If you workout on a daily basis, then you can understand the struggle of maintaining that routine every day as it takes a lot of motivation and discipline to keep going. The 21st century has brought forward many advancements in technology, making life much easier than it was for our ancestors. But it has also imbued within us an avoidance for physical activity. For Danny and Lexi, their future was motivation enough!

Maintaining Motivation

One sure way of maintaining motivation at the gym is to photograph the progress every day, as it gives a clear idea of how far you have come in your fitness journey. Lexi understood this, and hence she made sure she documented every step of their new journey together by standing sideways in front of a mirror every day and taking a picture. Just imagine how happy they must’ve been to look at this comparison of their old and new selves. 

Not All Gyms are Equal

A majorly common demotivating factor which stops people from working out in public is all the stares they garner. But not every gym is the same. And if you are not comfortable going to the one you have signed up with, instead of ditching the idea of going altogether, it’s better to simply switch to another one—preferably one which has a fewer number of people. Lexi and Danny reportedly did the same, although that is not the most important part of their journey.

The Diet is an Integral Part of it

If you have ever asked those with amazing bodies the secret behind their success, they would always tell you it’s a combination of working out and dieting through which they are able to cut down all of the extra fat on their body. Lexi and Danny did not embark upon this quest without conducting an appropriate amount of research. They were fully prepared to alter their eating habits by following a strict, home-cooked-meal diet plan which would allow them to realize their newly-formed objectives in life. 

Enjoying the Changes

Old habits die hard, and Lexi and Danny can definitely attest to that fact. Not only were they giving up their much-loved TV time, but they were also altering their entire eating plan. They said goodbye to those frozen pizzas which they would have at home sometimes, and eating out no longer included junk or fast food (if they would eat out at all). The Internet surely helped the couple prepare some amazingly delicious meals at home, and they soon started to enjoy the changes. 

Becoming Each Other’s Strength

When you ask them how they were able to remain so consistent with their efforts, both Danny and Lexi would say that their support for each other was key to staying motivated and on track. If at one point Danny didn’t feel like working out, Lexi would convince him to keep on going. And when Lexi felt demotivated and didn’t want to go to the gym, Danny would immediately lift her spirits and remind her of the mission they had embarked upon. 

Best Way to Spend Time Together

Remember when Lexi said that one of the motivations behind her choosing to bring amendments to her lifestyle was the lack of mutual outdoor activities which she and Danny did together as a couple? Well, their mutual workout routine proved to be the perfect way to spend time together. And since they were in it for the better, it helped them establish a deeper connection with each other which is seldom enjoyed by couples. 

Hard Work Pays Off

Whoever said it has said it correctly: hard work does pay off eventually. For Lexi, that payoff came in the form of the loss of many inches around her waist and neck. With just 30 minutes of exercise per day, five days a week, Lexi was able to lose around 20 pounds every month. But as time progressed, she increased her time to one hour per day to maintain her progress which became more evident with each passing day. 

Danny Deserves Praise as Well

For having lost around 90 pounds, Danny has done enough work to become a size 32 around his waist. He no longer fits into his old clothes as they are too big. But they make for perfect props to show where he has come from. And for those who are looking towards making a similar lifestyle change, this picture provides a clear example of how this man achieved the seemingly impossible. If he can do it, so can you!

Lexi Achieving the Extraordinary

Lexi’s transformation was a bit more significant, considering the woman came down to 180lbs from 485lbs. That’s more than half her previous body mass! Of course, such an achievement needs to be celebrated. And what better way to celebrate it than to step into her old, larger clothes, and marvel at the inches which have been lost since the lifestyle change has been made. In fact, such a sight needed to be shared with the world, and so Lexi posted this picture on her Instagram page. 

Her Story Needed to be Shared

The Instagram account which Lexi runs is called FatGirlFedUp. She started it in 2016 to track her progress. Lexi believes that the best way to track the amount you’ve lost is not by the scale, as the scale does not always show the progress you’ve made at the gym. Instead, she recommends taking pictures, as she has done herself—making it an important part of her mission. She also wanted to share her story with the world in real time, and Instagram was the way to go! 

Instagram Fame

It wasn’t long before both Lexi and Danny started to gain attention from people around the world who found their story both inspirational and motivating. Soon enough, Lexi started to gain followers in the hundreds of thousands. Right now, her Instagram account is being followed by over 824K people who are kept updated with her progress. Her followers started adopting the meal plans she was sharing and asking her about workout tips as well. 

Perseverance is Their Middle Name

From the very beginning, both Danny and Lexi knew that they would have to keep working out and eating healthy in order to reach and maintain their health and fitness goals. The praise they had been getting on Instagram—also with Danny’s Instagram account—provided the fuel they needed to keep on going. If not for themselves, then for the people who now looked up to them as motivational examples of perseverance and dedication.  

A New Era

There were a lot of things Lexi and Danny couldn’t do as a couple before losing weight, such as running down and along the beach or riding on the back of a horse. Every outdoor activity required so much effort that it took away all the fun element from the outing. That’s why they preferred staying indoors. Well, not anymore. Now, they are doing all those activities—and even more—together as a couple, which has definitely strengthened their bond. 

For Lexi, It’s All About Loving Yourself

Lexi has shared the many troubles she faced when she was plus-sized, such as not being able to find a wedding dress for her big day. Although the one she found looked fabulous, she didn’t have much choice but to wear it. A lot of her posts on Instagram are about her past and about how things were before she made the changes. Confidence has always been key, and according to Lexi, one must love oneself at all cost and at all times—regardless of the way one looks. 

An Inspiration

Lexi is a role model which our kids deserve. Her self-confidence and body confidence-inspiring messages are exactly what the young generation needs to help them love themselves more. Her inspiring notes have made her into a big motivator and a lovable person, and her honesty about everything is unparalleled. Lexi says she would not have embarked on this journey had she not loved her old self just the same. According to her, the desire to change stems from self-love. Because if you don’t love yourself, why would you want to improve?