F1 Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton became the world champion for the fourth time in 2017 but his private life has come under intense scrutiny after ex-girlfriend and model Veronica Valle dished out all the dirty secrets on the reigning Formula 1 champion, revealing that the racing star isn’t all that the media portrays him to be. Valle even went as far as saying that Hamilton hated it when people – including the pilot – used the toilet on his private jet.
Airing Dirty Laundry

According to Veronica Valle, the 33-year-old motor racing champion has a dark side which the public doesn’t know about.
The 26-year-old Veronica Valle, who is no longer in a relationship with the world’s most popular Formula 1 driver, aired all his dirty laundry in a detailed interview with The Sun.
The British sportsman had recently been accused of gender shaming for making fun of his nephew on his decision to wear a dress, but it turns out that his mockery didn’t stop there – Veronica says that Hamilton often made cruel remarks on her looks, unnecessarily fat-shaming her and comparing her to his ex, Nicole Scherzinger.
According to the glamour model, the 33-year-old motor racing champion has a dark side which the public doesn’t know about. She said that Hamilton had a very strange personality and could switch moods in an instant – even on small issues like someone using the wrong toilet in his house or private jet.

Apparently, the British sportsman lost his temper upon finding out that the pilot had used the toilet on the jet without his permission
Toilet Restrictions
Veronica first caught the attention of the 33-year-old racing legend on social media after he liked her photos on Instagram. The model received a private message from Hamilton inviting her to join him in his home in Texas. Not knowing about his strange house rules and mood swings, Veronica agreed to let him fly her out to his city.
After a magical weekend on the Caribbean Island, Hamilton’s true colors began to show while the new couple were flying to New York on his private jet. Suddenly, the British sportsman lost his temper upon finding out that the pilot had used the toilet on the jet without his permission.
The situation got so out of hand that Hamilton confronted the captain and even came close firing him. According to Veronica, he kept on repeating angrily that no one is supposed to use the toilet in his plane – not even the captain himself.
The drama continued as Hamilton once again lost his calm upon finding out that Veronica had been using the wrong bathroom on his private French property. At another occasion, during their stay at one of his houses in Monaco, he had allegedly confronted her after she emerged from the toilet, asking for an explanation for why she had been inside for so long. Although he didn’t shout at her, he did tell her not to use his toilet again. Since then, she had to use the guest bathroom whenever she was at his house.
More Strict Rules…
Hamilton’s bizarre rules didn’t stop the loo. According to Veronica, he had a problem with everything she would do including her eating habits. Once, while eating ice cream, the F1 champion became angry with the way she used her spoon to scoop the ice cream and yelled at her saying that she wasn’t supposed to eat it that way. He grabbed the cup from her hand and began showing her the proper way of scooping up the ice cream with the spoon.
Lewis, who makes millions of dollars each year, can also be stingy when spending on his girlfriend or lover ones. Veronica recalled that once they had flown to Belgium together and Hamilton refused to buy her new clothes after she discovered that she had lost her luggage at the airport. The model said that she had to spend four days in the same clothes but her then-boyfriend didn’t even once offer to buy her anything.
Badmouthing His Ex
Lewis Hamilton had also reportedly been bitter about his breakup with former Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger and would often call her inappropriate names. He told Veronica that the reason he split with Scherzinger was because she wanted to marry him but she wasn’t ready for a commitment.
The romance between Hamilton and Veronica was short-lived and the two went their separate ways after only three months of dating. Hamilton’s rude remarks and unnecessarily strict rules were what turned off the model. According to her, Hamilton had humiliated her many times, calling her fat several times – even in front of his friends.