You use emoji every day, don’t you? Truth be told, these emoticons have revolutionized both online and offline communication, with users foregoing lengthy words and, instead, using one or a combination of several to express themselves. What’s more, emoji are universal, effectively breaking potential communication barriers.
A Profitable Business
So, it wouldn’t catch anyone by surprise if someone decided to turn them into a profitable business, right? And that’s exactly what Kim Kardashian did. In addition to being a reality TV star, the model, mother of four, and wife to Kanye West is also a well-established entrepreneur – and she prides herself in seizing available opportunities.

Emoticons available on the Kimojis app
In December 2015, Kim announced the launch of her Kimojis app, and they’re just what you’d expect. Yes, they’re emoji, but the emoticons are customized in the model’s image and likeness. Given the millions of online followers the Kardashian has, the app was poised to be a success even before it hit the market.
Going for $1.99 in the Apple Store, NYPost reported that the Kimojis app was bringing in $1 million per minute as soon as it was available for purchase. That was more than 9,000 purchases every second! And people wonder where Mrs. West gets her money from? Here’s where!
Unfortunately, success stories aren’t always a smooth ride. Soon after Kimojis certified themselves as the next big thing, legal battles started streaming in, notably from one David Liebensohn.
Kim has the tech genius to thank for developing the app, but what was at first an ever promising partnership took a turn for the worst when Liebensohn sued the Kardashian for $100 million. According to the app developer, he and the rest of his team were promised a 60% cut of the profits Kimojis would make, a deal that Kim was yet to honor.

The Kimojis app has been insanely successful for Mrs. West
Stolen Ideas?
Additionally, Liebensohn also accused his former partner of stealing some of his ideas and incorporating them into the app without his consent. What followed is a battle that has dragged on for months, with Kim’s legal team arguing that Liebensohn’s tech team violated the terms of their agreement, thus rendering it null and void.
All through, Kim and her team have fought to have details of the case kept as private as possible, citing that making them public would be a huge dent to her brand. In the latest wave of pushing for this, the star’s lawyers motioned for the case to either be sealed or for it to be dismissed.

What’s life without celebrating the small wins?
And as luck would have it, the legal rays shone in her favor, with details of the proceedings now not being available to members of the public. Thus far, Kim may have won this battle, but her legal team still has a war to wage on.
But what’s life without celebrating the small wins? God knows that Kim could do with a win, seeing as how she’s come under fire of late for naming her new brand after the famous Japanese Kimono.
The ruling means that the Kardashian gets to retain her $300-million-dollar app, while her attorneys sort out all the underlying issues privately. And while we wait for the outcome of the case, why don’t you Kimoji away?