A Retired Security Officer Had A Surprise Hanging In His Closet.
Strange things have happened in the past and will continue to do so even in the future. Every individual has a particular spot in their house or car where they routinely stuff mail and receipts only to forget about them. Jimmie Smith, a retired security officer also had something hanging in his closet which was full with a pile of lottery tickets. This individual from New Jersey always reminded himself to check the tickets when he had the time but for some reason failed to do so.
It was purely good fortune that brought him close to the shirt to check his pockets because if he would have waited two days longer he would have lost $24.1 million that was waiting to be claimed by him.
The Habit of Checking Your Pockets Should Never Be Ignored

Never Ignore The Habit of Checking Your Pockets And The Glovebox Of Your Vehicle.
Smith had purchased a ticket for the New York Lotto a year ago for which the winning numbers were 05-12-13-22-25-35. He had left the ticket stuffed in his pocket with a shirt hanging in his closet for nearly a year.
The New York gaming commission was aware that the winning ticket worth $24.1 million was sold in the bodega in New York City. They were unaware about who had purchased the ticket. Winners of the lottery have a year to claim the winnings and the date for the expiry was approaching fast. It was during the early stages of this year that the New York lottery began to get the word out about the unclaimed money.
The director of the commission’s division of the lottery reminded people such as players of the lottery to check their pockets and the glove box apart from looking under couch cushions by mentioning that the commission would love to meet the person that was in possession of the winning ticket. Perhaps it was just the motivation needed by Smith to check through his belongings where he chanced upon the winning ticket.
Smith Was Surprised To Find The Life-Changing Ticket In His Pockets

The Surprise Made Smith gasp for Fresh Air From An Open Window.
Smith who is a retired security officer picked up the news story of the search for the missing winner of the lottery ticket which perhaps inspired him to check the old tickets lying in the pockets of a shirt. He just had to go up to the closet where the old shirt was hanging. A surprise was in store for Smith when the winning numbers matched up and left him wondering whether he really had stumbled upon something that can only be classified as strange.
Smith had some difficulty convincing himself and needed to stick his head down from the window to get some fresh air. He seriously doubted he was fortunate enough to own the winning ticket and had to convince himself that he was, in fact, facing the truth.
Fortune Favored Smith Midway

The Fortune That Never Favored You Could Be ‘Sleeping’ In Your Pockets.
The announcement about the mystery lottery winner was made on May 23, 2017, and the deadline for collecting the money was May 25, 2017. Just two days before the deadline fortune decided to favor Smith because he would have been ineligible to claim the money had he done so after May 25, 2017. On May 31, 2017, the New York lottery confirmed the name of Smith as the winner of the completing the usual formalities.
The director of the commission’s division of the lottery commented that they were thrilled that the lucky Smith was able to find the ticket which is proving to be a life-changing one for him.
Smith has chosen to receive the payments of $24.1 million over the course of 26 years.
Smith is a father of two and a grandfather of 12 children and has commented that he plans to have a family discussion after things settle down for him. After receiving the money from the winning ticket Smith may have all the time in the world to consider taking things easy and even begin planning for a leisurely life. However would have been in a position to do so if he had ignored the habit of checking his pockets in which he had left a fortune which he may never have earned during his lifetime? Smith’s experience should be a learning opportunity for everyone that may be in the habit of leaving small bits of paper lying around in their pockets for the glove compartment. Will people begin to think differently after considering how fortune favored this retired security, officer? We certainly hope they do.
Will You Be Checking Your Pockets Every Evening After Reading This Article? What is the most valuable thing you’ve found so far lost in your pockets?