Who wouldn’t want to live as fancy as the royal family does? With Queen Elizabeth II leading the pack, members of the British monarch have been setting trends for quite the number of years now. Even the family’s latest addition Meghan Markle has caught on, with outfits that she steps out in being at the receiving end of mass purchases.

The Queen is leading the pack
This time around, however, it isn’t an item of clothing that everyone is going crazy about. Would you imagine that it’s a fan that was pictured in the Queen’s living room? According to The Guardian, this particular fan has gone out of stock in multiple stores recently.
Funny thing is, the fan isn’t as cheap as you’d imagine. Going for $599 and still being sold out, this is proof enough that the masses would do anything to have that royalty feeling, no matter how minute.
So how did everyone know what type of fan the Queen uses? Well, we have Boris Johnson, Britain’s new Prime Minister, to thank for that. The PM was meeting the Queen at Buckingham Palace, and we know that photos are customary for such events, right?

New British PM Boris Johnson
When a picture of the PM and the Monarch shaking hands surfaced online, fans were quick to point out the Dyson fan resting in some corner. Seeing as the summer heat has been ravaging UK residents for days now going to as high as 101 degrees, you wouldn’t blame the Queen for wanting to be more comfortable at her own living room!
And as it seems, her subjects (if we can still call them that) are following her example. They’ve got to keep cool too, haven’t they? According to multiple descriptions online, the fan could serve as both an air heater or cooler, in addition to purifying its immediate environment. The $599 doesn’t seem like such a steep price now, does it?

Just in case you hadn’t spotted it
As the descriptions continue to explain, the Dyson fan is able to clear out as much as 99.97% of pollutants in a room, and allergens aren’t spared either. As small as 0.3 microns of allergens have no chance against this powerful machine.
$200 Discount
Some of the online stores wherein the fan is all sold out include John Lewis’, but consumers are in luck with Amazon. Reacting to the mass purchases, the platform is offering the machine at a much cheaper price, going for as low as $399. That’s $200 off, and without a doubt, quite the bargain!
The new PM was meeting the monarch after she’d just met with his predecessor Theresa May, who recently resigned following the unending Brexit situation. How many Prime Ministers will this Brexit thing take with it? Let’s hope Johnson survives! It may be a rocky ride, but he might just steer the ship to calm waters.
During his meeting with the Queen, the monarch invited the PM to go on and form a government and try to return the political situation in the UK to a sane position. With the Queen’s blessing, don’t you think that all will be well? Time will tell though!