10 Reasons You Shouldn’t Believe Everything You See On Social Media
Don’t we love those flawless, immaculate pictures on Facebook and Instagram? Haven’t we all craved for such moments where a creative and genius photographer would help us show a different and unexplored side of us? Perhaps, we overlooked something called ‘digital manipulation’ that’s characteristic of most final images. However, it can’t be denied that most shutterbugs use extensive measures that laymen like us wouldn’t even think of. Whether teleporting into the most scenic locations or showing us sans blemishes, this is a worthy read about what’s exactly brewing behind the scenes. And to satiate the thirst of those who love to explore the hidden truth, here are some pictures and reasons why you should delve into a larger world.
The Misty Effect
We love this picture-perfect moment! And of course, there are reasons. Who would not want a wedding photo like this, all dreamy and magical? But behind this misty effect is a photographer’s assistant who uses his mouth very creatively, while his co-worker captures the unique moment. A bit less magical behind the scenes but we must applaud the ingenuity.
Miniature Wonders
Love cars? Instead of fretting over not owning some of the rarest ones, how about creating a slight illusion? This picture teaches us how to use angles and perspective to make some (really high-quality) toy cars seem as real as the house behind them, with the assistance of a table and a piece of cardboard to simulate the road. And as someone once said, ‘it’s not the size that counts, it’s how you use it’.
Scenic Beauty
Who said that you need to travel to exotic locations to snap the perfect picture? An overgrown sidewalk, a pretty girl, and the right camera angle are all a clever photographer needs to take a picture of a beauty in a serene meadow. Take notes and perhaps you too can take pictures of your loved ones hiking through the forest in the park down the street or even among the potted plants on the balcony!
The Secret Behind Food Photos

Have you ever hankered after the mouthwatering food photos that many eateries and restaurants use to promote their dishes? Instagram is loaded with food photos and most of them are cleverly shot at home or a studio with the help of different angles and lighting techniques. As evident from the above picture, in which the use of the two dark screens on the side renders the image in a sepia tone, which enhances the feel of the dish!
Darling, Hold My Hand

When you are holding both her hands, it is near impossible to capture such a picture without making unprecedented use of the muscles of your mouth, not to mention your tongue. In which case, she better hold on to you! When you have a piggy-back riding friend to help you in testing times such as these, it is hard not to show off! One can only admire the creative genius and the tenacity of this young photographer! That one is willing to go to such ridiculous lengths to get the perfect photo is an indication of one’s rare talents.
The ‘Sandy’ Beach

Exotic beach? Check. Clear skies? Check. Supercars? Check. All the essentials for an awesome photograph! Well, not quite. For starters, a model sports car will do and a table brilliantly disguised as a beach is all you need for this photo! Perspective photography is a huge deal and is capable of producing stunning results if done right.
That Daring Act

Don’t you get a feeling of losing your balance while looking at pictures of people precariously hanging from cliffs? Like in the above picture, where we see a man endangering the life of his son by holding him over the edge! What if he let’s go or loosens the grip? Don’t worry it’s a 5-foot drop, hardly! Well, the guy hanging from his toes might break his neck in case he falls. People are actually waiting in line to get their picture taken at this location!
Drenched In What?

A brilliantly moody photograph, wouldn’t you say! A pretty girl looking moodily out of her window, while the rain makes small rivulets cascade down the glass and giving her an otherworldly look. Only it isn’t rain, the water on the window was sprayed just before taking the photo. Why wait for the weather when you can use your creativity? Though, we must admit, not that exciting when you know the truth behind the picture.
Mist In The Woods

Another pretty girl! This time she is in the woods. Or is it her backyard? Mist surrounds her as she gazes in the camera lens. For a start, the forest does look real but behind the scenes, the photo shows us a young guy in purple blowing dense white smoke from the side. A fine excuse to get high, one may think.
Smokin’ Hot Shrimp?

Mmmm, piping hot food, in front of a dark background, with steam rising from it is just what restaurants and food advertisers use to get us salivating. What we don’t see in the edited photographs is the actual work that goes on in the background. Here, a steam iron is used to produce the steam and the editing is done in such a way that it looks like the steam is coming from the hot shrimp.