US Presidents & Their Net Worth – Some Of Them Might Surprise You
If you compare the salary of the Presidents with the earnings of the industrialists in America, the former’s financial status may seem paltry. And yet, the Presidents continue making money, sometimes well after their term of office is done. So, how do they do it? Speaking engagements and book deals. And then there are those who don’t choose this way to refinance themselves and instead return to the lucrative careers they enjoyed before getting elected. Should the Presidential office be synonymous with making money? That’s for you to decide. In the meantime let’s take a look at the richest (and poorest) presidents of America and what made each of them special.
Abraham Lincoln, 1861–1865 – $1 Million
At the time of his death, Abraham Lincoln had an estate with a net worth of $110,974.62 (the same as $1 million today). He was successful as an attorney at law before he became president, though at some point he almost went broke. He is famous for the Gettysburg Address where he proclaimed the Civil War as the ultimate test of the preservation of the Union. The dead buried at Gettysburg had done their part, he told the people gathered there, and it was up to the living to carry on this fight. He got assassinated in April 1865.
Are there any Presidents poorer than this? How did the next one make his money?
Harry S. Truman, 1945-1953 – $1 Million

Harry Truman remained afloat by the pension he received as former president. This modest annual amount of $25,000 was the first pension paid to a president. Bad investments and poor choices lead to his financial ruin. So, they raised the salary of the president. This helped him overcome his debts and avoid the indignity of a former President living in poverty. Among the other notable things he did was to drop the atomic bomb that ended World War II and become one of the first Medicare recipients.
The storekeeper’s son who became the first Vice-President to attend cabinet meetings. Guessed who yet?
Calvin Coolidge, 1923-1929 – $1 Million

Famous as the first Vice-President to attend cabinet meetings, “Silent Cal” did not have much money though he worked as an attorney for five years. His net worth was less than $1 million. Calvin Coolidge’s father was a storekeeper and a prosperous farmer who also held public office for two decades. Calvin served as the governor of Massachusetts. His main sources of income were his autobiography and a newspaper column that he wrote.
The next President married into money, and was an anti-abolitionist. Who is it?
Franklin Pierce, 1853-1857 – $2 Million

Franklin Pierce married a wealthy aristocrat and also came into some inheritance from his father, who was a frontier farmer. His net worth was $2 million. He continued his flourishing law practice for 16 years and earned quite a bit, which he invested in real estate in Concord, New Hampshire. He was of the opinion that the abolitionist movement to free the slaves would be the undoing of the country.
The next President didn’t wait for his election to make some serious money, as he already had a lucrative law career. Click next to find out who it is!
Rutherford Birchard Hayes, 1877-1881 – $3 Million

Rutherford Birchard Hayes was president at the end of the Reconstruction. His net worth was $3 million. He undertook the reconciliation of the factions left over from the Civil War. His father was a wealthy shopkeeper. Also, Hayes practiced law for 15 years and was governor of Ohio and a member of the House of Representatives. Most of his wealth was in the form of a 10,000 square-foot house named Spiegel Grove on 25 acres of land in Fremont, Ohio.
Born in abject poverty, he managed to pull himself up by his bootstraps with little formal education. There’s only one President we could be talking about…
Millard Fillmore, 1850-1853 – $4 Million

Millard Fillmore was one of the five “presidents through accident.” He came to office when Taylor (the incumbent) died from gastroenteritis. His net worth was $4 million. Though Fillmore did not have wealth, he had had a little formal education. All he had to show for himself was a house in East Aurora, New York. Though he had no eye for financial planning on retirement he remained bent on self-improvement.
Like grandfather, like grandson. This family gave us not one but two Presidents. Click next!
Benjamin Harrison, 1889-1893 – $6.1 Million

In the manner of his esteemed grandfather, William Henry Harrison, he won the election to the White House with ease. His net worth was $6.1 million. Benjamin Harrison had a law degree and gained much wealth from his 18-year-long legal practice. In a border dispute, he served as the attorney for the Republic of Venezuela. In the end, all he had to show for his work was his huge Victorian house in Indianapolis.
Another lawyer President who lived in comfort. But this wasn’t meant to be as he died poor. Who can it be?
William Henry Harrison, 1841 – $6.1 Million

The last president born before the American Revolution, William Henry Harrison married into money as his wife came from a prominent and rich family. He also inherited 3,000 acres when his mother died though he sold those to his brother. His other real estate holdings included the Grouseland mansion but wealth management was not his forte and so he died penniless. Congress created a special pension to care for his widow.
He tried to bring peace to the Middle East and he was a prolific author too. Click next to find out who!
Jimmy Carter, 1977–1981 – $8.1 Million

As the president of the United States of America, Jimmy Carter undertook efforts to broker peace between the Arabs and the Israelis. He opened the dialogue with China but got defeated in the next round of election by Ronald Reagan. His net worth was $8.1 million. Part of his fortune came from his well-off family, but he also wrote books – 14 of them – and that brought him some dough as well.
The guy who pardoned Nixon also had close ties with corporate America. Click Next!
Gerald Ford, 1974–1977 – $8.1 Million

Gerald Ford succeeded to the presidency when Richard Nixon died. He promptly gave his predecessor a full and unconditional pardon. His was worth $8 million but he had no ancestral wealth; he had something else. The purpose drives the man and in this case, it was his business plan that created his wealth. To this end, he served as a board member for many prominent companies. He also had a book deal going for him.
From the battlefields to the Oval Office, this next President was no stranger to hardship. You know who it is…
Dwight Eisenhower, 1953-1961 – $9 Million

Dwight Eisenhower is the first Supreme Allied Commander of NATO. All his wealth came through his military career since he had no inheritance, as his family was poor. His net worth was $9 million. He graduated and married in 1916. This was during the time when he got his career training. After a stint as a General in the Army, he became the president. Known to his friends as Ike, he teamed up with Richard Nixon to defeat Adlai Stevenson to become the President of the United States.
A President who became rich by exploiting slaves. More than one fit the bill, but who is this?
James Knox Polk, 1845-1849 – $11.1 Million

James Knox Polk served as the speaker of the House of Representatives and Governor of Tennessee and then went on to become the 11th President of the United States. He was worth $11.1 million. Both his wife and he had wealth in the form of plantations. His father had also become rich through speculation. A darker aspect of his wealth was the 920 acres of real estate in Coffeeville he owned, along with 25 slaves…
The President who kickstarted neoliberal policies and corporate unaccountability. You know this one for sure.
Ronald Reagan, 1981-1989 – $14 Million

When elected to office, Ronald Reagan brought about wide-spread economic and political reforms. He rose from poverty but worked on his business plan and became wealthy through real estate investment, eventually getting a net worth of $14 million. He married the wealthy actress Jane Wyman and divorced her, making him the only president to have divorced. Furthermore, he wrote an autobiography and served as the GE spokesman, both of which proved lucrative gigs.
The next President became best known for his scandals; the one that rhymes with “eight”…
Richard Nixon, 1969-1974 – $17 Million

After serving eight years as Vice-President, Richard Nixon lost his bid to become the president to John F. Kennedy. After Kennedy’s assassination, he became the 37th President of the United States, but his term of office was marred by the Watergate scandal. His was worth $17 million. One thing was for sure, he was good at financial planning. Though he had no riches coming from his father and mother, he made his fortune from book deals, interviews, and smart real estate moves.
A Founding Father and a wealthy man too. Guessed who already?
John Adams, 1797-1801 – $21.3 Million

Founding Father and American Statesman, John Adams was the first Vice-President. And he was also the second president of the United States. Though he received a small sum as an inheritance from his father, he made most of his wealth from his thriving law practice. His wife was wealthy and came from a prestigious family, which added to his wealth. His riches amounted to $21.3 million and there is no doubt that he lived happily. He and his wife owned an estate called Peacefield, which covered 40 acres in Quincy, Massachusetts.
This apple didn’t fall far from the (Presidential) tree. Click Next!
John Quincy Adams, 1825-1829 – $23.3 Million

John Adams made his son John Quincy Adams minister to Prussia. John Quincy Adams married the daughter of the American Consul in London, Louisa Catherine Johnson. His wealth amounted to $23.3 million, some of which he inherited through his father’s estate, Peacefield, and some from his wife, whose father also was rich. He spent most of his time in public service.
The next President started a war that would herald 28 years of never-ending confict. One name comes to mind, doesn’t it?
George H.W. Bush, 1989-1993 – $26 Million

Barbara Pierce and George H.W. Bush were the longest married presidential couple. His wealth added up to $26 million. He graduated from Yale University and went on to become the 41st president. He had no worries about his personal finance because he inherited a great amount of wealth from his father, who was a businessman. Bush added to that by making his own successful investments. He was Vice-President to Ronald Reagan for two terms.
The leader of the “Bourbon Democrats” didn’t do half-bad for himself. His substantial wealth is proof. Click Next!
Grover Cleveland, 1885-1889, 1893-1897 – $28.3 Million

Praised for his self-reliance and honesty, Grover Cleveland did not show a lot of initiative. He served as the watchdog of Congress. He was worth $28.3 million, much of which he inherited from his wife, whose father was a wealthy attorney. Cleveland added to his riches through his law practice and speculation in real estate. Notable among these was the Westland Mansion in New Jersey.
This Founding Father brought about the “Era of Good Feelings”. Care to take a shot at who this is?
James Monroe, 1817-1825 – $30.4 Million

One of the Founding Fathers, James Monroe ushered in the expansion of the US to the west. The Monroe Doctrine served as a warning to the European countries against colonization. He was worth $30.4 million and his wife Elizabeth was wealthy as well. Still, although Monroe made money during the two terms he served as president, his wealth management was poor and by the time he retired, he was heavily in debt and had to sell his ancestral land.
Another member of the dynasty that made its name synonymous to perpetual war. Click Next!
George W. Bush, 2001-2009 – $39 Million

The 43rd President George W. Bush had a rich father in George H. W. Bush, the 41st President of the United States. He is famous for his “War on Terror” that he launched soon after the terrorist attack of September 11. He amassed wealth amounting to $39 million by working with the Texas oil companies. Though he was from a wealthy family, his real riches came from the sale of one of his investments in the Texas Rangers baseball team. He eventually sold it and made a handsome profit.
His election signaled the end of an era and the start of a new chapter in American history. Click Next!
Barack Obama, 2009-2017 – $40 Million

Barack Obama is famous for ordering the military operation that killed Osama bin Laden. He is the first African-American to hold the post of the president. Like many other presidents, Obama did not have wealthy ancestors. But, he began to earn his riches after he became the president of the United States. His estimated wealth of $40 million has come mostly from speaking arrangements with various universities and institutions, as well as the lucrative book deals he and Michelle, his wife, got after the end of his terms.
Risen to office after his predecessor died a month into his term. Click Next to find out who!
John Tyler, 1841-1845 – $57.7 Million

President William Henry Harrison passed away a month after taking office. This opened the way for John Tyler to become the president. Both his wife and he were wealthy, with an estate worth $57.7 million. He owned a tobacco plantation covering 1,000 acres from his father while his wife had wealth of her own. He bought a 1,600-acre estate called Sherwood Manor. His real estate investments during the Civil War cost him badly and he became indebted. He eventually died poor.
This President faced some of the biggest challenges in history, from the aftermath of the Great Depression to WW II. Click Next!
Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1933-1945 – $66 Million

A central figure during the Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt was a great inspiration and comfort for the people. His fireside chats were direct radio broadcasts to reassure and connect with the public. He inherited much of his wealth and got even richer through his marriage, eventually reaching a net worth of $66 million. His investments covered many regions in New York, Maine, and Georgia.
The President, a saxophone, and a fateful stain. Sounds like a movie? His term kinda was like one. Click Next!
Bill Clinton, 1993-2001 – $75 Million

Bill Clinton, the 42nd president, ushered in an era of peace and prosperity for the people of America. Declining crime rates and low unemployment kept people happy. He made huge financial gains after he assumed office, as he and his wife gave speeches and earned money. The estimate is that they earned about $210,790 for each speech which gave him the $75 million it is estimated he is worth.
He had a keen eye for politics, as well as investments. Click Next to see who!
Herbert Hoover, 1929-1933 – $82 Million

In 1929, the Great Depression set in on America, and Herbert Hoover took office at the same time. He was a mining engineer before he became president. He signed the law to make the Star Spangled Banner the National Anthem of America. Most of his wealth came from his work as a mining engineer and the very successful investments he made in mines around the world, reaching a net worth of $82 million. He gave his Presidential salary to charity because he REALLY didn’t need it. After retiring from office, he began to write books.
The next President came to power after a traumatic event, but he was as tough as they come. Guess who!
Lyndon B. Johnson, 1963-1969 – $108 Million

Following the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson became the president. He became famous for his “Johnson Treatment” by which he coerced other senior politicians into seeing things his way. His wealth totaled to $108 million. He did not inherit a big bank account but worked for it. He had neither wealthy parents nor a wealthy wife. But, both he and Mrs. Johnson worked hard. In the end, he had his own private plane and livestock. He also owned a television and radio station in Texas.
This Founding Father was ridiculously rich, being one of the biggest landowners at the time. Click Next to find out who!
James Madison, 1809-1817 – $112 Million

One of the Founding Fathers, James Madison did not have a domineering presence because he was only 5 feet 4 inches tall. He drafted the first drafts of the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution. Also, he was the fourth president of the United States. Being one of the biggest landowners of his time, his wealth was $112 million. You could see he was an astute property manager but lost a lot of money due to the financial crash.
A military man and an everyman’s hero, this President fought hard to preserve the Union. Click Next!
Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837 – $131 Million

The 7th president of the United States was a soldier and a statesman. His driving ambition was to preserve the Union and enhance the rights of the common man. He was very rich and had plenty of money for his business finance, because he married into wealth, reaching at its height a net worth of $131 million. He had more than 300 slaves in his possession. Towards the end of his life, his fortunes suffered and he went into debt.
There’s no way you don’t recognise the next President, as he was notoriously tough and his exploits became a landmark in pop culture. Click Next!
Theodore Roosevelt, 1901-1909 – $139.7 Million

A dedicated conservationist, Theodore Roosevelt is famous for many things, one of which was busting industrial combos and trusts with the Sherman Antitrust Act. He won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end the Russia – Japan war. He was born into a wealthy family and had his own trust fund. His was worth $139.7 million. But, he did not have good planning and lost most of his wealth. So, he worked as an author to pay his bills.
He said that “All men are created equal” but owned hundreds of slaves. Who is he? Click Next!
Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809 – $234 Million

For most of his life, Thomas Jefferson was wealthy. He was one of the founding fathers of the country and has over 200 slaves on his 5,000-acre plantation in Virginia. His fortune amounted to $234 million. He was born into wealth and his huge inheritance stood by him right almost until the end. He was a founder of the University of Virginia. Yet, when he died, he could not raise enough to pay off his debts. So, he couldn’t leave anything to his daughter and she had to live off charity.
He’s THE Founding Father and also rich beyond imagining. You know him… Click Next!
George Washington, 1732-1799 – $580 Million

The first president of America, the Father of America, and the Founding Father of the United States was extremely wealthy. His net worth was $580 million. His family consisted of wealthy planters with vast tobacco plantations and plenty of slaves. He set the trend for future presidents to follow with his integrity and legacy of strength. His earnings grew due to the big salary he got as the president, which was a huge 2% of the budget!
He was the most prominent member of America’s most beloved political dynasty, but his term was cut short. Click Next!
John F. Kennedy, 1961-1963 – $1 Billion

John F. Kennedy became president when the Cold War was at its peak. He was born into wealth and had an elite education. One of the best-loved presidents, Kennedy got assassinated during one of his election campaigns. His wealth was in the form of a trust fund that he shared with his family. His father’s fortune did not pass on to him and yet his family estate was worth $1 billion.
This next President is as rich as he’s controversial. His rise to power is considered by many to be a huge step back for the US. Guessed who? Click Next!
Donald Trump, 2017-present – $3.7 Billion

Television personality and tycoon businessman, Donald Trump is the richest president ever. He defeated Hillary Clinton to get the position. He has the biggest wealth among all the presidents before him amounting to $3.7 billion. He made his riches from the real estate business though he inherited a big part of it from his father. And, of course, he began his business after taking a small loan from dad… just $1 million.