Kerry Miles has finally realized her life-long wish of looking like a Barbie doll thanks to the expensive cosmetic surgeries that have cost her over £130k in total.
Life is Plastic, It’s Fantastic

Kerry Miles, 34, says she is now completely in love with herself
A 34-year-old British mom has splashed out thousands of pounds on plastic surgeries from head-to-toe in hopes of bearing resemblance to one of her favorite childhood toy ‘Barbie’. In order to attain the facial features of the popular American doll, Kerry Miles got her entire face and nose reconstructed for the price of £10,000. She first embarked on her transformation journey 10 years ago and till now, she has spent £130,000 on surgeries to attain the image of a perfect Barbie doll.
Miles says that her nose had always been her biggest insecurity. Knowing her obsession with plastic surgery, Miles’ parents gave her £10,000 over Christmas last year, and she was finally able to afford the reconstruction surgery for her nose like she had always wanted. Even though the nose job cost only £5,000, Miles used the rest of the money on getting fillers for her cheeks and lips, as well as an eyebrow lift.
British Mum loves to Dress Like Barbie

Miles admitted that she often sneaks into the kids’ toy store to look at the newest Barbie dolls and try to copy their features and fashion items
But plastic surgery isn’t the British mum’s only expensive hobby; she also loves to splurge on expensive makeup and facial treatments that keep her skin looking youthful and fresh.
Kerry Miles doesn’t only look like a Barbie doll but she even dresses like one. She always opts for bright pink clothes and accessories paired with stilettos and a cute purse when going out and seldom leaves the house dressed in normal attire. She works as a model and fashion influencer for various brands and believes that her unique look is a strong selling point for marketing campaigns.
Miles says that she has had two chest enhancement surgeries and liposuction around her stomach to shrink her waist to 22 inches for an hour-glass look. The nose and facial reconstruction surgery was the latest procedure she added to her list which completes her transformation as a real-life Barbie. 34-year-old mum says that she has never felt more confident with her appearance as she is today.
A Childhood Obsession
Apart from her physical appearance, the real-life Barbie also takes good care of her health and goes to the gym every day to keep her hour-glass figure in check. Moreover, she has a £400 monthly expenditure to maintain the plastic image and get any touch-ups if necessary.
Keeping up the glamourous persona of a real-life Barbie is no easy feat. Miles must spend at least two hours every day putting her outfit together and doing her hair and makeup before heading out anywhere. She admits that people don’t always understand her obsessions and even go as far as bullying her on the streets and calling her names. But none of the criticism from the on-lookers matters to the 34-year-old Barbie – she loves the way she looks and her opinion is the one that matters the most.
Her obsession with Barbie dolls started when she was only a little girl. She would insist on wearing pink dresses and heels to school despite getting strange looks from other kids around her. The obsession grew even stronger as she grew up and soon after finding a stable job, she got her first plastic surgery in 2015.
Surprisingly, Miles’ husband, Darren, was not fond of her plastic surgeries at first and said that she looked unnatural but that didn’t discourage her from pursuing the Barbie doll image. The mum admitted that if her husband had tried to stop her from getting the surgeries, she would have eventually divorced him. Thankfully, he has finally grown to love his wife, plastic or real, and if Miles is happy with her look, so is he.