Although there are divided opinions about President Trump’s presidency, the one thing we can all agree on is that the man is a shrewd businessman. Not even running a presidential campaign was going to stop him from making boss moves, as the opening of the eponymously named International Hotel in 2016 proved.
Just days before the actual election, Trump led the rest of his team in the opening of the grand hotel located in DC for a ribbon-cutting ceremony. They say that old is gold, and the former host of The Apprentice surely knows this, given that his hotel is located in a building dating back to the 19th century.

Courtesy of a $200 million renovation
Having said that, it cost about $200 million to renovate it. In Trump’s mind, that must be a small price to pay in the expansion of his business empire, don’t you think?
Perfect Meeting Spot
That POTUS owns the hotel makes it the perfect meeting spot for pro-Trump groups and his associates, despite its hefty price tags. How much do you think it costs to spend a night in the presidential suite? $5,000? Wrong – a staggering $15,000!
Just last month, The Washington Post revealed that AG William Barr has already booked space in the hotel for a December party, one which the outlet estimates will have the AG part with more than $30,000.
What do you expect from a party whose guest list will hit the 200 invitee mark? That, coupled with the fact that there’ll be an open bar and a buffet, you better believe that at least $30,000 will be spent that night.
For a normal room, guests will have to fork out $297 for one night, but that’s before having amenities as part of the package. For these, you’ll have to dig deeper into your pockets for at least $25,000.
Amenities include a fitness center and a spa spanning 10,000 sq. feet. Wouldn’t you want this experience for yourself? $25,000 may be a bit on the higher side, but isn’t life about making sacrifices for the ultimate experience?
In addition to that presidential suite, Trump paid tribute to his second child Ivanka by having a suite named after her. For a night in the room, you’ll have to part with $1,047 but it may all be worth it for the ultimate Ivanka Suite experience.
All in The Name of Marketing

Other Trump products embellish the hotel
As you would expect, the hotel is embellished with other Trump products. You would be hard-pressed to turn a corner without running into branded items, as you would expect of the man. It’s all in the name of marketing, don’t you think? As it turns out, Ivanka Trump was actually the one in charge of the hotel’s décor though she had help from HBA, the famed design firm.
As for the conference rooms, these bear the names of former presidents of the United States. Well, not all of them, as one bears President Trump’s name, and isn’t he the one currently in the Oval? You’d name one after yourself too, wouldn’t you?

Conference rooms bar the names of former presidents
For champagne lovers, the hotel’s got you covered, but you’d better be ready to part with $2,650 for a bottle. And it goes without saying that other drinks are also pricey. Treat yourself though, if you can afford it.